
تمارين كمال الاجسام عضلات الصدر

هذا اشهر تمرين فى الجيم وهو تمرين الضغط العادى البداية : نام على البنش مائل وامسك بيدك البار بقبضة واسعه الحركة : قم برفع البار بقوة حتى تصل الى اقصى الحركة ثم اضغط عضلات صدرك ثم انزل بالبار حتى تكون المسافة بين البار وصدرك 2 ونص سم ثم ارفعه مره اخرى

تمرين مرجحة الدمبل المنشار

البداية : امسك بدمبل بيد واحده وباليد الاخرى اسند على بنش او كرسى و مل بجسمك للامام حافظ على وضع صدرك مستقيم الحركة : اسحب الدمبل الى جانبك بشكل غير مباشر اسحب كوعك جانبك واسحب الدمبل ناحية فخذك ثم انزله مره اخرى ببطئ والى الامام

تمرين سحب كابل امامى

البداية : اجلس على ماكنة السحب الامامى الافقى وامسك بزاوية واسعة واجعل مرفقك فى خط مستقيم ممتد تماما الحركة : اسحب البار الى عضلات بطنك العليا حتى تشعر بعضلات ظهرك واعصرها ثم ارجع ببطئ حتى تتمد عضلات ظهرك الى اقصى مدى ولكن لا تدع عضلات ظهرك السفلى تميل الى الامام

تمرين سحب البار او السميث

البداية : مل بجسمك للامام والتقط بار مناسب حيث يكون البار اسفل الركبة وتكون انحناة فى رجلك الحركة : اسحب البار الى منطقة بطنك السفلى واجعل مرفقك يتحرك لخارج الجسم حتى يلامس البار منطقة البطن انزل البار ببط وكرر التمرين

تمارين عضلات الظهر للمبتدئين

برنامج رائع للاعبى كمال الاجسام للمبتدئين حتى يصلوا لمراحل متقدمة فى لعبة كمال الاجسام تمارين كمال اجسام الخاصة بالظهر حيث يعتبر الظهر من المناطق الهامة بالنسبة للاعبى كمال الاجسام تمارين كمال الاجسام للمبتدئين بالصور كامل

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Tips for Boosting Your Metabolism and Weight Lose

mostafa anwar  Tips for Boosting Your Metabolism and Weight Lose.Weight Lose.Metabolism.Tips for Boosting.Metabolism and Weight Lose.  No comments

Metabolism - push for a better life!
Metabolism is one of many critical systems that run our bodies. He's probably working all the time, but will promote perfect effect on your health and your goals can be much faster the nearest health.
About the Report
This report does not dip into the chemistry of metabolism or more specific subcategories of metabolism. The key report is to cut the presentation of basic metabolism and introduce some quick tips to boost your metabolism process to give the staff a better and faster weight loss and better health outcomes. Some tricks are even fun to use!
Metabolism - the key
"Metabolism is the set of chemical reactions that sustain life in the cells of living organisms. These reactions catalyzed by enzymes allow organizations to grow and reproduce, maintain their structures, and respond to their environments." (Wikipedia definition)
What does this mean for my health and lose weight? Everything! Metabolism is the process that causes the fat from your body and also leads all necessary supplements for better health in your body. Metabolism and other organic compounds in the human body are very interesting subjects of their own, but in this report we will focus on improving our process of metabolism.
Having a high level of metabolism enables one to maintain burn fat and lose weight fast with the least activity. Metabolism is the rate at which the body produces and consumes energy and calories to support life.
Several factors affect the metabolism of a person, such as the amount of muscle tissue, the frequency of meals are consumed, genetics, stress levels, personal diet and activity levels.
The metabolism slows down due to muscle loss not get enough physical activity, the tendency of the body to cannibalize its own tissue because the nutritional value of food is not sufficient to support, and a decrease in activity Physics comes naturally with old.
Fortunately, there are many ways to increase the metabolism of your body:
• Sleep more
• Increase water intake
• Increase muscle mass
• Your health
• Relax
• Stay focused and motivated!
Sleep more
Start with more sleep. Good enough sleep exchange between people, but recent research has indicated that one should even sleep about eight hours a night. Sleeping under six hours increases the risk of several disorders of your body and your metabolism slows down.
When you're tired, everything is difficult, bad decisions are made. He wanted fast carbohydrates and fats in foods. You eat fatigue.
They regenerate the muscles at rest, especially during sleep. Also brain needs rest and sleep also improves your memory. There are many benefits of sleep, so your best first sleep.
Increase water revenue
The average adult human body is 50 to 65% water. Water is the base element which are constructed of cells.
Our body is losing water all the time by the evaporation of the skin, respiration, urine and feces. These losses need to be replaced or will suffer from dehydration.
Water removes toxins that are produced when the body burns fat. Most bodily functions involves water, and lack of water causes the body system's operations to decrease its speed, and produces unneeded stress as a result.
Increase muscle mass
We will exercise!
Building on lean, mean body mass. It is natural that metabolism decreases with age, but it is possible to counter the effects. The amount of muscle a person has a very strong determinant in the ability to burn calories and shed fat.
So it goes without saying that exercise is essential. Develop strength and endurance by producing at least twice a week, preferably with weights. Do easy exercises between workouts. Simple tasks such as walking the dog and using the stairs instead of the elevator can already take off calories. The key is to match the amount of eating to the amount of activity one has. Here are some guidelines to get the right to practice:
For strength training
• Increase the amount of repetitions of a particular exercise.
• Add the level of resistance
• Use techniques of the earlier year if possible
For cardiovascular training
• Insert intervals between exercises
• Perform cross-training and combine the exercises
• Add on strength and speed
Eat healthy
Breakfast. Many people ignore the fact that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Surprisingly, those who eat breakfast are thinner than those who do not. Metabolism can slow down considerably if breakfast is taken during mid-morning or if one waits until the afternoon to eat.
Avoid sugar. Sugar enables the body to store fat. It is recommended that a person consumes food that helps maintain sugar level in the blood-compatible. In addition, the progressive exercise 2-3 times a week should be to stabilize blood sugar levels.
Eating spicy foods. Kitchen with hot peppers can increase metabolism.
Eat small meals. It is advisable to consume 4 to 6 small meals that are timed 2 to 3 hours apart.
Never skip meals. People tend to skip meals to lose weight, which is a big mistake because it slows metabolism.
Plan your meals in detail. Always prepare the right amount of food to be consumed at the designated intervals. Do not make the mistake of eating meals in sporadic patterns.
Do not stay with the meat and potatoes more. Today it is well known that vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nuts and fish are best for you. Remember to have enough protein in your diet.
Ditch the stress! Physical or emotional stress that triggers the release of a steroid cortisol, which decreases metabolism. Also, people tend to overeat when stressed.
Do not worry about changing their diet, exercise, water, or other new drinking habits immediately. They decide to make a change, make small step after another, be focused on your goals and relax. You will reach your goals.
Stay focused and motivated
Reach the desired body weight or another target is never impossible if one has the determination and patience needed to stabilize the metabolism level. A person needs to realize that eating right and exercising is not just a fad, but a way of life.
Start now and pass
The report gave some quick ideas to improve your body's metabolism. Take some advice, he decided to take the first step and take! Do not try to fix everything in one step, to take it piece by piece. And enjoy your way to better health.
Life is for living!
We hope you have new ideas article!
This article has tips to increase metabolism, the ultimate key to weight loss and better overall health. The article was written by Mark Twig, which is also known as Besthealthmate, health coach and mentor.
With all the best for your health,
Mark Twig - Your BestHealthMate

Preventing Obesity With Smart Weight Loss

mostafa anwar  Preventing Obesity With Smart Weight Loss.Weight Loss.Preventing Obesity.Preventing Weight Loss.  No comments

Obesity is now considered a major problem in developed countries. The abundance of food is the only source of this problem, but important, even if it is fortunate that there are so many people living today without worrying about not having food on the table tomorrow, obesity is a problem that must be addressed.
Prevention is better than cure
Although the above statement may sound a cliché, it could not be more true when it comes to talking about obesity. When you are only overweight but not obese, you can still do a lot to correct their weight problems. However, obese people have a much tougher regime and the time of year, especially if they have health problems that prevent them from doing so. Usually, the weight loss surgery is recommended, if necessary.
In the circumstances, prevention is much more advisable to go through the weight loss surgery, for example. For this, the smart weight loss strategies should be used.
Build muscle, burn fat
A healthy body is a body whose fat deposits are maintained online. Many schemes leave the weakened body and consume muscle mass rather than fat. For this reason, if you want to prevent obesity, you need to focus on developing an exercise routine to help you build more muscle, rather than lose it.
When you exercise, your muscles burn calories and calories are taken from food and the fat deposits in the body. Muscles trained also have the ability to burn more calories even at rest, which is a great advantage. You should not exercise to exhaustion, but the exercise five times a week for at least half an hour each time can help keep fit and keep the fat deposits in the body to a minimum.
Creating healthy eating habits
You will not be able to avoid obesity if you're used to eating junk food and soft drinks rich in sugar. You do not have to be on a diet all your life, and you should not go hungry every hour of the day. But you have to have healthy eating habits, meaning that you should stay away from foods that make you unhealthy and fat.
Make sure you have enough fruits and vegetables in your diet. Do not overlook the importance of whole grains and healthy fats. While you eat healthy and exercise regularly, you will not have to worry about becoming obese throughout your life.
Swati has a degree in English and an MBA. He has written for virtually every niche on the Web. She writes articles, blogs, web pages, reports, press releases, product descriptions, e-books, sales letters and newsletters. She is passionate about health and fitness and enjoys helping people who are on a weight loss journey. Visit the blog Swati now if you want to receive your free report entitled "lose 10 pounds in 1 week and maintain it."

Start Your New Diet on the Right Track

mostafa anwar  Start Your New Diet on the Right Track.Start Your New Diet.Diet on the Right.the Right Track.  No comments

Exhibit 1 January brings hope for a change resolutions. For many people, the annual announcement of the arms are removed quickly and business continues as usual. Dieting is the resolution of a new common year many people want to follow, but often find difficult.
With some simple tips and a little patience, the fight can be controlled. Here are some ideas to consider that 2015 approach:
1. specific targets and timelines - Instead of saying "I want to lose weight this year," something more specific like "I want to lose ten pounds in the next two months" is a much more likely to hit target. The reason is that sticking to a specific weight loss goal with the entire time, which allows you to plan the amount of weight to lose per week and strategies on the way. The more specific and you are prepared plan, the better your chances of long term success.
2. Drink plenty of water - it is not only essential for the survival of the water is also helpful in shedding pounds. It is cheap and helps the body to avoid sugars in sodas and other unhealthy drinks. Also, drinking water before a meal helps to fill a stomach and reduces the urge to overeat.
3. Reward yourself! - The addition of a system of "reward" in your eating routine is useful in several ways. First, a power supply less of a sentence and a routine is adopted. Second, it allows food is a sustainable process that maintains in the long term. Third, after spending the rest of the week dedicated to a major change in life, a "reward", it is something to look forward too. The key is to allow one reward per week or otherwise, all other progress is cleared.
4. Let others know - diet plans mention to friends and relatives is a great way to help keep a concentrate, especially at first. Not only to create a support system but also imposes accountability. Family and friends can constantly check and monitor progress and provide motivation to continue in tough times.
5. Set your goal - Inquire in advance, before starting the diet, why do it? Are you doing for others? Are you going to do for you? Understand why you want to diet not only clarifies purposes but also helps to prevent the rebels trends. Often they do something because one is supposed to love before they can cause problems. In addition, a clear goal helps one get through difficult times.
6. Do your research - Each year, there are hundreds of new fad diets, weight loss books and "the best ways to lose weight" stories in the market Of Science and Technology did. significant progress to help us understand how our body works. Instead of using surgery or a "quick fix" diet, science has focused specifically on the kinds of activities that work best for the genetic constitution of an individual. People who want to lose weight and regain your fitness must investigate a plan that works best for your own body.
For more information, go to http://www.dnaspectrum.com

How To Lose Fat Fast Without Exercise - 3 Best Ways to Lose Fat Without Exercise

mostafa anwar  How To Lose Fat Fast Without Exercise - 3 Best Ways to Lose Fat Without Exercise.Best Ways to Lose Fat Without Exercise.Lose Fat Fast Without Exercise.Lose Fat Fast.  No comments

You know, when I was a kid, I was always on the move ... play tag, touch football and everything about racing, dancing, or swings. Sound familiar? But the more I have, these activities but I replaced with things like reading, socializing with friends, and go to the local mall.
The mine is a typical story of a time before the media is so vital for growth, and I think ... somehow ... I had a big advantage. You see, I at least had an active childhood, although I grew away from these things as he grew up - I have happy memories of how he was still.
Aging, they need to finish school and start working for a living, the time for these pleasant and healthy exercise activities was replaced by long hours of work and sitting behind a desk. And to make matters worse, too many office snacks and birthday parties only added to my pain. To lose weight without exercise quickly became a dream that fades quickly castles in the sky. Diets never worked - I will lose a couple of pounds and recover dozens. I felt weak and tired, always drink caffeinated beverages, which were unfortunately located near vending machines and table gifts. So you can guess what the world has come from now. To increase my energy level, I turned to itch just to make it through the long work day, and those added pounds fast Doggone. I do not feel good, I do not look good, and I'm miserable.
So I decided to do some research and found a few small changes you can do to lose fat fast without exercise. Here are the top 3 things I discovered:
1. Drink 9 cups of water a day to lose fat fast without exercise
Some call it miracle diet water. Why is this? Well, water will remove toxins from vital organs and carry nutrients to cells. If you are dehydrated, your body will have a hard time exercising the normal functions and can make you feel tired and lethargic. 9 cups for women and 13 cups for men - - lots of drinking water every day can help your body function more optimally. In addition, it will help you feel full and may help reduce your calorie intake.
2. Get enough sleep to lose fat fast without exercise
Get a good night's sleep will help you lose fat fast without exercise. A major reason is that if you are asleep, you can not eat. In addition, their brain will be well rested better food choices and portion control. A study by the University of Chicago also said that a well-rested body 8 1/2 hours of sleep burned more fat than a body that was only 5 1/2 hours of sleep.
3. supplements to lose fat fast without exercise
There are many supplements on the market today that tout the advantages of ways to lose fat fast without exercise. It is often long and expensive to sort all the different technologies and strategies there. But by collecting a lot of information, you'll be able to find supplements that are better for you to lose fat quickly without exercise.
Through much research and trial and error, I found the best tips, tricks and strategies to lose fat fast without exercise. I recently lost 30 pounds and I'd love to help you learn how to lose fat fast without exercise. Http://www.loseweightnaturallyfit.com go for more free information on how you can lose fat fast without exercise.

3 Tips For Weight Loss To Share With Your Friends

mostafa anwar  3 Tips For Weight Loss To Share With Your Friends.Weight Loss.Your Friends.3 Tips Weight Loss.  No comments

These tips to lose weight fast 3 will help you lose weight quickly and it is great to share with your friends. By sharing these simple changes in your lifestyle, you and your friends can avoid all or nothing approach and see more weight loss than you ever thought possible.
1. Get Going on the right foods.
To lose weight quickly, you should eat more of the right foods and less food poor. Good foods are fruits and vegetables, whole grains and lean sources or other pure meat protein. Include two servings of vegetables at each meal you have with your friends. Green leafy vegetables like spinach, broccoli, kale or cabbage are high in fiber, vitamins and minerals and fill and reduce cravings for high calorie foods.
Poor foods are usually fried or processed. When something is fried in oil, there double or triple the amount of calories in processed foods and foods often contain added salt and sugar to improve taste. In addition, the control of the party if you're in your friend's house for a buffet. Do not eat at the table food as eat more. Use a small plate, take what you want and then sit elsewhere.
2. Move with your friends.
We all know that exercise helps with weight loss. You do not spend hours in the gym, but you need to move. If you work for yourself, it's easy to make excuses and skip their workout routines. But if you train with a friend can keep each other motivated. A 15-minute walk after eating at a steady pace of 3 mph can burn somewhere around 60-70 calories and is an excellent opportunity to discuss and catch up. This afternoon walk can be up to 300 calories more than the working week of 5 days. In addition, small things can make all the difference to park the car a little further from work, lowering public transport one stop earlier or take the stairs and not the elevator.
3. Drink less alcohol.
When you meet socially with friends, they often involve eating, drinking or both. Alcohol contains a lot of calories and can make you feel hungry if you eat more. Drink a glass of water between each alcoholic drink. This will reduce the amount of alcohol you drink and makes you feel full. Instead of eating unhealthy snacks, bring your own healthier choices or a party with a theme of health-conscious. Hunger and thirst are very similar if you are hungry, try drinking a glass of water. You will just need to hydrate your body.
Lose weight and get in shape, it does not have to be difficult. To better nutritional counseling, the most proven exercise programs, motivation and physical condition of all recipe for fat loss safe, natural and proven methods please click here.

8 Ways To Help You Lose Weight Naturally

mostafa anwar  8 Ways To Help You Lose Weight Naturally.Lose Weight Naturally.Help You Lose Weight.Lose Weight.  No comments

The best way to lose weight naturally is to make healthy lifestyle changes life gradually decrease your weight and can maintain in the long term. Here are 8 tips to help you lose weight naturally.

1. Change your diet slowly.

Make a small improvement to your diet every week. This will gradually improve the quality of your diet and help you lose weight without constantly drastic changes in diet that can not be maintained.

2. accountable to yourself.

There are all kinds of applications, Web sites and programs that allow you to track your calories. Keeping track of what you put in your body can be quickly aware of where your problem areas are really are.

3. Choose the right foods.

Fruits and vegetables are natural foods to lose weight because they are low in calories and rich in vitamins and minerals. Try to avoid eating too many processed foods that come in a come in a box, can, bag or cardboard, which often have little nutritional value and contain high levels of fat, sodium and sugar.

4. Out of sight, out of heart.

Empty the refrigerator and pantry highly processed foods and sweets are used will not be an easy step, but getting these things out of sight really help keep them out of your size.

5. Restock.

On the other side of sight, you will need to fill your kitchen with healthy choices and keep them in the eyes and sight. Having what is good for you easily available, it is easier to eat in a way that will help you lose weight naturally.

6. Leave some treats.

You can still enjoy your favorite foods in moderation and losing weight. If you an opportunity to reward with a treat it will be easier to maintain your new lifestyle of healthy eating and exercise that helped her lose weight first.

7. Many.

A healthy portion size is probably very different from what you thought it was. A simple trick is to use a small plate. Parts will look bigger and it will make you think that you eat more.

8. The exercise that you enjoy.

You do not spend hours in the gym every week and there are plenty of activities to do inside and outside. There are many different options for exercise and give some of them a try, you will find at least one that you like.

Want to learn more ways to lose weight and get fit? Are you confused about healthy eating? Want to know the best training techniques to get the results you want? Claim your free eBook with over 100 tips to lose belly fat.

Eating Chocolate Can Help You Lose Weight

mostafa anwar  Eating Chocolate Can Help You Lose Weight.Eating Chocolate.Lose Weight.Can Help You Lose Weight.Chocolate Can Help You Lose Weight.  No comments

If you like eating chocolate, it can help you lose weight as well as satisfy your cravings for sweets according to a new study published in the International Archives of Medicine. Diet and exercise is essential to any weight loss plan so the German researchers analyzed the effect of chocolate have in their diet (Bohannon et al. 2015).

Chocolate has always been one of my favorites when it comes to sweets, but to know that you can also have effects on fat loss. During the study, which lasted several weeks, men and women between the ages of 19-67, they were divided into three groups. One group followed a low-carb diet, while consumption of 42 grams (81%) of dark chocolate every day, another group continued their normal diet, and a control group followed a strict diet low carbohydrates. Besides highlighting your BMI and weight they have also asked participants to rate the quality of sleep and mental state.

Surprisingly, people in the intervention group experienced weight loss chocolate easier and more efficient. Although there was a delay in the measurable effects of this diet, weight reduction of this group exceeded group results low carbohydrate content of 10% after only three weeks. Moreover, he continued fat loss compared to low-carb group, which saw an increase in weight after a few weeks. This is a problem with many weight loss programs that people typically gain weight back within weeks of losing. The fact that weight loss continues after eating dark chocolate is an effect not unlike any other.

Chocolate group also found a significant improvement in their physical and mental well-being, while reducing blood cholesterol levels. This means that people who eat chocolate darker even slept better and have benefited from a reduction in serious health problems. There's something about chocolate that puts me in a good mood while satisfying my sweet tooth I love them.

For those of you who like the high cocoa content chocolate consumption can greatly improve the success of weight loss diets. "To our surprise, the chocolate effect is real," says Bohannon. "It is not enough to just eat chocolate, but in combination with exercise and the reduction of carbohydrates, our data suggest that chocolate may be an accelerator of weight loss. "I think if you eat dark chocolate in moderation to get some physical activity each day, you should be good to start. Eat chocolate, lose weight easier!

This study was published in the International Archives of Medicine led by Bohannon and researchers. For more health information, please visit http://www.fatlossfactorxx.com